Center for Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
Department of Computer Science, Kansas State University

The Center for Artificial Intelligence and Data Science at the Department of Computer Science, Carl R. Ice College of Engineering, Kansas State University, is a consortium of several faculty
members and their research labs, undertaking research in applied and theoretical
topics in the broad areas of Artificial Intelligence and/or Data Science.
Center faculty are as follows:
- George T Amariucai, and the Probabilistic and Information Theoretic Security (PITS) Lab.
- Doina Caragea, and the Machine Learning and Data Science (ML&DS) Lab.
The ML&DS Lab aims to design algorithms and to develop tools for getting insights from large amounts of data, in particular, social media, user behavior, security and bioinformatics data. Specifically, we are intersted in problems with a limited amount of labeled data, but for which a large amounts of unlabeled data are readily available. We focus on the design of semi-supervised and domain adaptation approaches, and use our approaches to learn classifiers for a variety of classification problems.
- Scott DeLoach, and the Multiagent & Cooperative Reasoning Laboratory.
The Multiagent & Cooperative Reasoning Lab brings together researchers with various expertise to solve interesting problems in the area of distributed, intelligent, and self-adaptive systems. Application areas are varied and include adaptive network security, multiagent systems, cooperative robotics, sensor networks, and a wide variety of networked systems.
- Pascal Hitzler, and the Data Semantics (DaSe) Lab.
The Data Semantics (DaSe) Laboratory is an internationally visible research group focusing on semantic web (knowledge graphs, ontologies, data management) and artificial intelligence (knowledge representation, automated reasoning, neuro-symbolic integration). Use-inspired research draws from collaboration experience in a wide range of disciplines, including the geosciences, agriculture, and the digital humanities.
- William H. Hsu, and the Laboratory for Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KSU KDD Lab).
The research emphasis of the KSU KDD Lab is in the areas of applied artificial intelligence (AI) and knowledge-based software engineering (KBSE) for decision support systems. More specifically, we are interested in machine learning, data mining and knowledge discovery from large spatial and temporal databases, human-computer intelligent interaction (HCII), and high-performance computation in learning and optimization.
- Hande Küçük McGinty.
The recent research focuses on food, agriculture, chemical and bio-medical ontologies. Her current research interests include generating bio-medical ontologies, chemical, food and ag-ontologies using semi-automated methodologies; generating new algorithms and methods to create and utilize ontologies as well as using artificial intelligence and machine learning to bridge the gap among them.
- Mitchell Neilsen, and the Cyber-Physical Systems Lab.
- Lior Shamir, and the Data-driven Discovery (DDD) Lab.
The mission of the Data-Driven Discovery lab is to develop methodology and tools that turn large and complex data into knowledge and scientific discoveries. By combining elements from machine learning, soft computing, and computational statistics, the lab follows scientific and experimental practices, with the goal of creating bridges between data science foundations and the needs of experimentalists and discovery-driven researchers. The lab works in a broad range of scientific domains, including astronomy, humanities, social science, and the life/medical sciences.
- Eugene Y. Vasserman, and the SyNeSec Lab.
The Systems and Network Security (SyNeSec) lab is focused on the safety, security, and assurance of distributed systems, cyber-physical and safety-critical systems, and the general interplay of software, hardware, safety, and security. We are also working on the safe and secure integration of trustworthy ML/AI and high-assurance systems.
Information about specific research areas and projects may be found at the lab and faculty webpages listed above.
For all inquiries concerning the center, feel free to contact individual faculty, or the center director, Pascal Hitzler, at
Where We Are Located:
Department of Computer Science
Carl R. Ice College of Engineering
Kansas State University
Manhattan, Kansas, USA